2020  - 2024

Skills Alliance for Industrial Symbiosis (SPIRE-SAIS) is a consortium of 24 partners covering the eight sectors of SPIRE (cement, ceramics, chemicals, engineering, minerals, non-ferrous, steel, and water). IMA-Europe and Mota Ceramic Solutions are partners on behalf of the minerals sector. SAIS successfully applied for project funding under the Erasmus+ fund. Its main objective is to develop a blueprint to address short-term and ongoing skills gaps relating to cross-sectoral industrial symbiosis (IS) and energy efficiency.

SAIS will formulate a consolidated approach to addressing the overarching skills demands and challenges of these industry sectors. Its main focus is on the people and skills necessary to achieve industrial symbioses and deliver energy efficiency. It is developing concrete and practical strategies and programmes (including modules and tools) to anticipate and respond to skills demands.
