2021  - 2030

After finalising and presenting its 2050 vision, SPIRE, the Sustainable Processing Industries for Resource and Energy Efficiency (since renamed Processes4Planet or P4Planet), has developed a roadmap reflecting this vision and linking its objectives with HorizonEurope funding discussions.

The agreed priority areas for 2050 are:

  • Digital
  • Hydrogen
  • Energy mix
  • Electrification
  • Industrial-urban symbiosis
  • CCU and CO2 resource and process efficiency

The European Commission has linked these partnership roadmaps closely with the Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas agreed with the Member States and industry under the Horizon Europe R&I Partnership. The low-carbon industrial technologies roadmap is the first of the common industrial technology roadmaps to get underway. Its goals are closely aligned with the P4Planet Roadmap, which recognises that many challenges common to several sectors can be addressed through cross-sectoral collaboration. IMA-Europe is a full member of SPIRE/P4Planet as it represents the vision and objectives of one of its ten sectors: cement, ceramics, chemicals, engineering, fuels, minerals, non-ferrous, pulp and paper, steel, and water.

Spire1 was operational from 2013 to 2020 and had a budget of €600 million. Spire2, renamed Processes4Planet, will run from 2021 to 2030 with a budget of €1.3 billion allocated from the EU. The budget increase demonstrates the EU’s commitment to supporting the transition towards the green deal objectives, including carbon neutrality, circular solutions for these process-industry sectors, and the innovation and upscaling of solutions cross-sectorally.
