European Minerals Days
Every two years, European Minerals Days allows the European public to explore the world of minerals. It is a pan-European awareness initiative by the European minerals sector and related organisations. The European Commission has recognised European Minerals Day as a communication channel that supports the European Raw Materials Initiative, the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials and the EU Biodiversity Strategy.
Events marking the 7th European Minerals Day took place between May and November, with most activities concentrated between 20–22 September. We are happy to announce that during this period, 128 events at 109 sites took place across 22 countries. We estimate that between 10.000 and 15.000 visitors engaged with the initiative. This year, a significant number of our visitors were children. However, we also hosted minerals exhibitions in museums as well as sustainable mining conferences in universities. The European Minerals Day closing event took place on 21 November during Raw Materials Week, alongside two European projects: EUMICON and MIREU.