Workshop on the evolution of the Sevilla process in light of the revised Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)

14-15 March 2024, in Dessau-Roßlau, Germany
Event hosted by UBA (German Federal Ministry of Environment)

The purpose of this workshop is to take stock of more than 25 years’ experience of BAT information exchanges, first under the Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) and then under the IED.

Since the adoption of the BREF Guidance (Commission Implementing Decision 2012/119/EU), the Sevilla process has gone through a learning curve. Over the years, improved procedures have been developed and used. However, considering the changes brought by IED 2.0, the rules guiding the Sevilla process require an update. In preparation for this update, this workshop will allow an initial and collective exchange, on the new requirements, what has gone well and what could be improved in the Sevilla process.

Key take aways:

• After may years and 33 BREF’s derived to date is time to be effective in data collection and data processing;

• Multiple stakeholder involvement (Member States; Industry; Commission, NGO’s) is critical for the high quality of the Best Available Techniques (BAT) set for different sectors

• The role of Sevilla Bureau is critical to guard and ensure the outcome of the BAT

Latest publications in Workshop on the evolution of the Sevilla process in light of the revised Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)