2050 might indeed seem a long way off. However, as Europeans, we have decided to set ambitious objectives for 2050. We are working together to put the right measures and necessary transformations to reach those objectives. For us, 2050 is, in fact, tomorrow.

The industrial minerals industry provides the raw materials that make up the goods we use in everyday life. Most of the time, the end consumer cannot see them or feel them. Yet a family house contains up to 150 tonnes of minerals in the cement, plaster, glass, paint, ceramics, tiles and steel that it is made of. Industrial minerals are, literally, essential to our lives.

Many industries rely on them to manufacture their products and improve their properties or the performance of their processes. The industrial minerals sector is one of the drivers of EU competitiveness and, as such, plays a crucial part in reaching the EU’s objectives for 2050.

With this roadmap, producers of industrial minerals invite policymakers, EU citizens, downstream users and all the players in the transition to a greener economy to acknowledge that this transition cannot be made without minerals, or even, as is commonly suggested, by “using less” when it comes to industrial minerals.

Our sector has been promoting “better” exploitation of resources in our businesses and down the value chain for many years. Our commitment goes far beyond the mining and processing on sites and minimising the impacts of the activities in the surroundings.

We feel responsible for reaching the EU’s objectives for 2050, but we share this responsibility with the policymakers shaping Europe’s challenging transition to a greener economy, making the future sustainable starts with keeping our sector strong to provide the next generations’ resources.

We invite our readers to discover the world of industrial minerals today and in the future. We wish everyone an enjoyable, truly informative read.

Michelle Wyart-Remy

Director General

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