Learn more about the industrial mineral sector and the many activities and projects that IMA-Europe engaged in this past two years.

If you wish to have a print copy, please contact i.gentiluomo@ima-europe.eu

Here is a little intro…

A new decade, a new world, new challenges ahead. Much has changed since I last wrote this foreword, a global pandemic has altered the way we work, travel and communicate with each other, accelerating positive health and technological trends but also worrisome ones such as access to raw materials and affordable energies.

For those who live in Europe, recent history has lured us with an apparent sense of security and prosperity and made us forget that peaceful times are not the norm. Among the many things I learned in the past two years, I would like to highlight that our prosperity and security are interlinked. This is why each company and sector must contribute to the European recovery by strengthening our supply lines, accelerating innovation, and diminishing our over-reliance on conflict-ridden imports from autocratic corners of the world.

We, the industrial mineral sector, will be at the front line. Minerals are incredibly versatile and are the cornerstone of many products and industrial value chains. From the coffee mug, you are holding while reading this report to the paper or screen you are using. Well… minerals are there.

Modern life would simply not be possible without the raw materials we provide, so if we are serious about transitioning to a low carbon, resource-efficient and socially inclusive economy, we must count on industrial minerals as one of the critical building blocks of this transition.

This report provides a brief overview of our sector and the wide range of initiatives we coordinated or participated in 2020–21. After you read it, I hope that you understand our industry better and perhaps realise how much we are doing to ignite this decade for the best.

Dr Roger Doome

Director General

Latest publications in IMA-Europe Annual Report 2020-2021