09 Jul 2024

Torino, Italy

Sustainable Development in Minerals Industry Takes Center Stage at SDIMI 2024 in Turin

The 11th International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry (SDIMI 2024) wrapped up on July 11th, 2024, in Turin, Italy. Held from July 9th to 11th, the conference brought together industry professionals, researchers, and academics to discuss critical issues surrounding sustainable practices in mineral extraction and utilisation. Dr Aurela Shtiza and dr Roger Doome partcipated in the event as representatives of IMA Europe.

This year’s SDIMI served as a platform to share knowledge and experience on navigating the path towards a more sustainable future for the minerals industry. Attendees engaged in discussions on a range of topics, including the Circular Economy, Critical Raw Materials (CRM), and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations.

The Circular Economy model emphasizes resource recovery and minimizing waste. In the context of minerals, this translates to finding ways to reuse and recycle minerals after their initial use. Discussions likely centered on innovative methods for processing and reintegrating minerals back into the supply chain.

Critical Raw Materials (CRM) are essential for modern technologies, but their extraction and processing can have environmental and social impacts. SDIMI 2024 likely provided a forum to explore responsible sourcing of CRMs, including potential solutions for minimizing environmental damage and ensuring ethical labor practices.

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are becoming increasingly important for businesses in the minerals industry. ESG criteria assess a company’s environmental impact, social responsibility, and corporate governance practices. The conference likely addressed best practices for companies to implement strong ESG policies.

Held at the NH S. Stefano hotel in the heart of Turin, SDIMI 2024 offered a stimulating environment for attendees to exchange ideas and collaborate on solutions for a more sustainable minerals industry. The conference also provided an opportunity to explore the beautiful city of Turin, a renowned cultural and scientific hub in Italy.

While SDIMI 2024 has concluded, the discussions it generated will undoubtedly continue to shape the future of the minerals industry. As the demand for minerals continues to grow, ensuring sustainable practices will be crucial for protecting our environment and ensuring a responsible future for this vital sector.

IMA Europe thanks to the organisers and all who participated in the event.
Grazie Torino!

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