The European Association of Silica Producers

In 1991, the European silica producers established their representation at the EU level through EUROSIL, a founding member of the Industrial Minerals Association Europe (IMA-Europe).
EUROSIL is a non-profit association whose members cooperate on scientific and legislative issues of common interest related to silica. Key aspects are those related to the environment, economic and social conditions, notably concerning health and safety, the improvement and standardisation of labour and occupational health conditions. As a member of IMA-Europe, the members benefit from a broad representation and a strong voice at the EU level and synergy of issues common to the industrial minerals sector.
Membership in EUROSIL is open to any company producing silica in Europe. As a member of IMA-Europe, the members benefit from a broad representation and a strong voice at the EU level and synergy of issues common to the industrial minerals sector. EUROSIL’s membership comprises 40 companies, covering more than 95% of the EU production in 9 European countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom).
PresidentQuarzwerke Gruppe / MIRO
Florence LUMEN
Secretary-GeneralAndy PRICE
The name Silica covers a range of minerals composed of silicon and oxygen, the two most abundant elements in the earth’s crust.
Main Applications
- Paints & Plastics
- Glass
- Sports & Leisure
- Sealants & Adhesives
- Foundry
- Metallurgical Applications
- Ceramics Filtration
- Construction
- Chemicals
- Oilfield
- Agriculture