What are the benefits of becoming a member of IMA-Europe?


A role in shaping the industry’s place in Europe

IMA-Europe provides representation at the European Union (EU) institutional level and coordinates communication with national and international authorities.


Partnerships across the industrial mineral sector

IMA-Europe offers regular networking opportunities at all levels within the industry and the European institutions.

Visibility and access to information

Increased visibility towards EU policymakers

IMA-Europe is based in Brussels and holds membership meetings twice per year. Its working committees and groups meet regularly throughout the year. Its major activities cover the areas of health and safety, industrial policy, environmental protection, product safety, access to resources, energy and climate policy and communications.

What membership category is right for you?

IMA-Europe is an umbrella organisation comprised of 10 sections representing 15 different minerals and over +30 working groups and other working structures dealing with the industry’s strategic issues (e.g. Sustainability, Climate Change and Energy, Health, Safety and Environment, Product Stewardship and Industrial Policy).

If you wish to become a member please contact the section you are interested in via the links below:

Contact Us

Become a member of CCA-Europe CCA-Europe
Become a member of EBA EBA
Become a member of ESMA ESMA
Become a member of EUBA EUBA
Become a member of EuLA EuLA
Become a member of EUROFEL EUROFEL
Become a member of EUROSIL EUROSIL
Become a member of EUROTALC EUROTALC
Become a member of IDPA IDPA
Become a member of KPC-Europe KPC-Europe